The other day a good friend of mine, hand delivered the most beautiful bouquet of flowers from her floral shop, to my front porch. I just love how so many entrepreneurs are carving out creative ways to serve their clients and keep their businesses thriving. We are all pivoting, adapting and showing up on what-ever social media platforms we can to connect virtually. It is truly beautiful. Such a great reminder that even though we are physically distancing, we are truly all in this together.
During this sensitive time, we just want all of you to know how much we appreciate you. We are so grateful to have had your positivity, support and encouragement along the way. We also want you to know that we are here for you. We want to continue to serve you as best we can. We are literally sending you virtual hugs.
Our true North Star has always been one of servitude and contribution. Our family run business is our vessel to support those most in need of healthcare, fresh drinking water and sanitation and we have not veered from that path. More than ever, the situation worldwide is opening everyone's eyes to the fact that we are all connected and that with joint effort we are stronger.
Now is the time to hold the ones you love close to you, to soak up precious time with your children, and partners or perhaps enjoy the new found time to yourself. In years to come, may we look back with fond memories of the cherished time spent playing cards, painting, crocheting, dancing, or watching netflix in our jams. May we not take any moments for granted. The truth of the matter is that people will lose their jobs, some their businesses, some will lose their lives.
Having ‘No Fear’ doesn't mean running from reality. It means doing our part. It means taking a minute to stop. Living each moment with gratitude. Washing our hands. Staying home. Self isolating. Slowing down and perhaps going inward.
May we look at the emptiness; the new found space, the empty stadiums, the empty streets and stores with eyes of marvel at all the love. We are creating this space by doing our part to keep one another safe, for our grandparents, our immune-compromised brothers and sisters, and the people we may never meet.
We are all having our ups and downs, and facing emotions that perhaps we have never experienced before. We are all finding ways to pivot, shift and adapt to our new sense of normalcy and trying to process what is actually going on. The beauty lies in the fact that we are ALL in this together, we are carving out a new kind of harmony.
I read this on an image of a billboard posted on IG and it rings so true:
“It isn’t the end of the world, It is the most remarkable act of global solidarity we may ever witness.”
I have always believed that magic lies in uncertainty and that there is an intelligence far beyond what we can even begin to comprehend. This is a beautiful and painful time all wrapped up in one huge cosmic dance.
May you find all the beauty you can from moment to moment and above all, may you find moments of peace, no matter how brief.
Feel free to email us if there is any way we can be of assistance to you.
Sending protective prayers and positivity to you and your loved ones.